Native Species and Invaders: Which One Doesn't Belong?
By Holly Longo, Palmer Park Preparatory Academy
Email: [email protected]
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By Holly Longo, Palmer Park Preparatory Academy
Email: [email protected]
To download a printable version of this lesson plan in DPSCD lesson plan format, click on the image
We would greatly appreciate your feedback! Click here to complete a short survey telling us about your experience with this lesson plan.
Lesson Overview
Students will view and discuss photos of four species at a time and learn why some are called invasive species and others are not. The lesson starts off with the "real life" interaction of lake trout, sea lamprey, alewife, and Pacific salmon. They will play the game of "Which one doesn't belong?" with other groups of four photos. Through explaining and discussing their reasons, they will learn about native species in the Great Lakes and discover why many non-native species are considered harmful invasive species, while others are not.
Target Grade & Subject: Gr. 5 Science
Duration: One 50-minute class period
Instructional Setting: Classroom
Advance Preparation:
Smart board/ Projector
Student Science Journals
Which one doesn’t belong? visual document
Invasive Species books
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson
- Students will be able to identify common invasive species; and
- Students will know what properties distinguish an invasive plant or animal from a native species or a beneficial non-native species
Michigan Science (or Social Studies) Performance Expectation Addressed:
5-LS2-1 – Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
SEP: Science and Engineering Practices
Asking questions and defining problems.
Engaging in argument from evidence.
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
DCI: Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS2 Ecosystems: interactions, energy, and dynamics.
CCC: Cross-Cutting Concepts
Stability and Change
Small changes in one part of a system might cause large changes in another part. (MS-LS2-5)
Guiding Questions:
Unit Driving Question: What are invasive species and how do they impact our environment?
Lesson Level Question: What properties of an invasive plant or animal distinguish it from a native species?
5E Model
Pacific salmon are currently found in the Great Lakes but originally were found along the west coast of the United States. The alewife fish and the sea lamprey came from the Atlantic Ocean. Lake trout have been in the Great Lakes for thousands of years. Lake trout are considered to be native species. The alewife and sea lamprey are both considered to be invasive species. What do you think about Pacific salmon? Are they invasive species?
Background (teacher guide): Here is some background on the fish mentioned in the engagement “phenomena,” quoted from
“The sea lamprey was first observed in Lake Michigan in 1936. This eel-like predator with rasp-like teeth victimized lake trout, lake sturgeon, lake whitefish, and burbot. These fish had no natural defenses against the sea lamprey. By the mid 1950s, lamprey had all but eliminated the native population of lake trout in Lake Michigan, and significantly reduced populations of other species.
Like the sea lamprey, the alewife also entered the upper Great Lakes through the Welland Canal and was first documented in Lake Michigan in 1949. When the lake trout population collapsed in the 1950s, there were no predators to control alewife and their population grew rapidly. By 1967, alewife comprised an estimated 85 percent of the mass of the Lake Michigan fishery.[Large die-offs of alewives often washed up on shore creating a nuisance and making some beaches unusable].
The alewife population explosion affected many other fish species in Lake Michigan. Six of seven chub species were eliminated and the commercial chub season was closed. Lake herring, yellow perch, and emerald shiner populations crashed. From the mid 1950s through the mid 1960s, neither commercial netters nor sport anglers found the Lake Michigan fishery desirable.
During the mid 1960s the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its Canadian counterpart developed techniques to limit sea lamprey reproduction. Selective chemicals and physical barriers were used throughout the Great Lakes and lamprey populations were reduced, but not eliminated. Unfortunately, lamprey control came too late to save Lake Michigan lake trout.
Predatory fish were desperately needed to control the burgeoning alewife population. Fish managers selected strains of Pacific salmon to do the job. In 1966 coho salmon were stocked in Lake Michigan followed by chinook salmon in 1967. Salmon did well and grew quickly. Twenty-pound coho and 30-pound chinook were not uncommon. Rainbow, brown, brook, and lake trout were also stocked in Lake Michigan.
Sport anglers quickly learned how to catch the trout and salmon, and an exciting new sport fishery was born.”
Here are pictures of an alewife (left) and a Pacific (Chinook) salmon (the other two are already included in the “Which one doesn’t belong?” game).
Lesson Connection to the Engagement Phenomena:
Students will analyze the phenomenon and discover that (a) native species (e.g., lake trout) are not considered invasive species;
(b) a non-native species may be considered invasive if it harms a native species or causes harm to the economy or to human health (e.g. sea lamprey harm a native species, lake trout; alewives crowded out other species and when they died on the beaches were human health hazards and caused economic harm to tourism)
(c ) a non-native species may be helpful to native species and therefore not considered to be invasive (e.g., Pacific salmon reduced the number of alewives greatly and became a favorite catch for people who liked to fish).
Understanding these phenomena therefore will help students understand how to identify when a non-native plant or animal should be considered an invasive species.
After discussing the four species in the “engagement” phenomena, the teacher will project the "Which one doesn’t belong?" Visual document for the class. The students should have their science journal open to a blank page to record their thinking throughout the lesson. The teacher will then instruct the students that they will be acting as scientists to determine which plant or animal doesn’t belong and explain why. The teacher will direct the class to look at the first set of images and will give them about 5 minutes to decide which one doesn’t belong and record their thinking in their science journal.
After a reasonable amount of time has passed ask students to share their thinking with a table partner. After about 2 mins bring the classes attention back to the front and start a whole group discussion. The teacher can ask students to raise their hand and share their thinking. After the student is done the teacher can have other students share their evidence in favor or disagreement to promote a scientific discussion.
When the discussion is over the teacher can scroll to the next set of images and repeat the above steps. The last set of images should make for an especially vigorous discussion. Unlike the previous sets of images in which only one of the organisms is an invasive species, in the last set, the “odd one out” is a native species. All the rest are invasive species. After discussing all of the sets of images, students should record in their journals any new ideas they have about how to identify an invasive species.
Differentiation of instruction for exceptional learners:
Gifted or advanced students can be challenged to create their own “Which one doesn’t belong?” set of pictures to share with classmates. Introduce these students to where they can look up the names and pictures of more invasive species on the internet, for example, at,5664,7-324-68002---,00.html and,5664,7-324-68002_74188---,00.html . Pictures of Michigan native species can be found at and
Students with learning challenges can work with a partner for the journaling task and the teacher can re-teach concepts in small group as needed.
Student journals will be assessed:
Students will identify various invasive species in their journals.
Student Discourse will be assessed: Students should explain their thinking and provide evidence (I chose this one because…) (I think this because…) (This one doesn’t belong because…)
Student created “Which one doesn’t belong?” sets of photos will be assessed (optional for advanced students).
New Vocabulary
Invasive species: a non-native species that harms a native species or causes harm to the economy or to human health
Native species: a species that was here before people began changing the environment
Non-native species: a species that entered the environment more recently than native species, often here because people brought them here accidentally or on purpose. If they cause harm, they are considered invasive species.
Learning extensions (Learning beyond the classroom):
For further investigation students can read books on invasive species, use online resources such as the Michigan DNR website, or visit the Belle Isle Aquarium.
Resources consulted for this lesson:
For the history of lake trout, alewives, sea lamprey, and Pacific salmon in the Great Lakes:
For pictures of invasive species in the Great Lakes:,5664,7-324-68002---,00.html
For pictures of Michigan native species and
For a “watch list” of potential new invaders of Michigan:,5664,7-324-68002_74188---,00.html
Students will analyze the phenomenon and discover that (a) native species (e.g., lake trout) are not considered invasive species;
(b) a non-native species may be considered invasive if it harms a native species or causes harm to the economy or to human health (e.g. sea lamprey harm a native species, lake trout; alewives crowded out other species and when they died on the beaches were human health hazards and caused economic harm to tourism)
(c ) a non-native species may be helpful to native species and therefore not considered to be invasive (e.g., Pacific salmon reduced the number of alewives greatly and became a favorite catch for people who liked to fish).
Understanding these phenomena therefore will help students understand how to identify when a non-native plant or animal should be considered an invasive species.
After discussing the four species in the “engagement” phenomena, the teacher will project the "Which one doesn’t belong?" Visual document for the class. The students should have their science journal open to a blank page to record their thinking throughout the lesson. The teacher will then instruct the students that they will be acting as scientists to determine which plant or animal doesn’t belong and explain why. The teacher will direct the class to look at the first set of images and will give them about 5 minutes to decide which one doesn’t belong and record their thinking in their science journal.
After a reasonable amount of time has passed ask students to share their thinking with a table partner. After about 2 mins bring the classes attention back to the front and start a whole group discussion. The teacher can ask students to raise their hand and share their thinking. After the student is done the teacher can have other students share their evidence in favor or disagreement to promote a scientific discussion.
When the discussion is over the teacher can scroll to the next set of images and repeat the above steps. The last set of images should make for an especially vigorous discussion. Unlike the previous sets of images in which only one of the organisms is an invasive species, in the last set, the “odd one out” is a native species. All the rest are invasive species. After discussing all of the sets of images, students should record in their journals any new ideas they have about how to identify an invasive species.
Differentiation of instruction for exceptional learners:
Gifted or advanced students can be challenged to create their own “Which one doesn’t belong?” set of pictures to share with classmates. Introduce these students to where they can look up the names and pictures of more invasive species on the internet, for example, at,5664,7-324-68002---,00.html and,5664,7-324-68002_74188---,00.html . Pictures of Michigan native species can be found at and
Students with learning challenges can work with a partner for the journaling task and the teacher can re-teach concepts in small group as needed.
Student journals will be assessed:
Students will identify various invasive species in their journals.
Student Discourse will be assessed: Students should explain their thinking and provide evidence (I chose this one because…) (I think this because…) (This one doesn’t belong because…)
Student created “Which one doesn’t belong?” sets of photos will be assessed (optional for advanced students).
New Vocabulary
Invasive species: a non-native species that harms a native species or causes harm to the economy or to human health
Native species: a species that was here before people began changing the environment
Non-native species: a species that entered the environment more recently than native species, often here because people brought them here accidentally or on purpose. If they cause harm, they are considered invasive species.
Learning extensions (Learning beyond the classroom):
For further investigation students can read books on invasive species, use online resources such as the Michigan DNR website, or visit the Belle Isle Aquarium.
Resources consulted for this lesson:
For the history of lake trout, alewives, sea lamprey, and Pacific salmon in the Great Lakes:
For pictures of invasive species in the Great Lakes:,5664,7-324-68002---,00.html
For pictures of Michigan native species and
For a “watch list” of potential new invaders of Michigan:,5664,7-324-68002_74188---,00.html
New lesson plan ideas are welcome and will be uploaded as they are received and approved.
We especially encourage lesson plans about:
Invasive species,
Science and science careers
For information about submitting new lesson plans, please contact jchadde(at)
Lesson plan ideas from other web sites:
From Pennsylvania Sea Grant: 10 lesson plans about interactions of invasive species, biodiversity, and climate change
Creation of the above page of educational resources was funded in part by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agricultural and Rural Development.
This material is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1614187.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
We especially encourage lesson plans about:
Invasive species,
Science and science careers
For information about submitting new lesson plans, please contact jchadde(at)
Lesson plan ideas from other web sites:
From Pennsylvania Sea Grant: 10 lesson plans about interactions of invasive species, biodiversity, and climate change
Creation of the above page of educational resources was funded in part by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agricultural and Rural Development.
This material is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1614187.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.