Multimedia/Creative Lesson plans
New lesson plan ideas are welcome. See below for instructions on submitting.
All lesson plans may be downloaded and used FOR FREE!!!
All lesson plans may be downloaded and used FOR FREE!!!
Protecting our Waterways Design Challenge: Silver Carp
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
This lesson emphasizes critical thinking and collaborative work as students will brainstorm and design a barrier to prevent Silver Carp from invading a waterway. Provides a great introduction into the basic design process that engineers use to solve problems. Grades 3-12.
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
This lesson emphasizes critical thinking and collaborative work as students will brainstorm and design a barrier to prevent Silver Carp from invading a waterway. Provides a great introduction into the basic design process that engineers use to solve problems. Grades 3-12.
Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species in Michigan Through Infomercials!
by Sara Forbing sforbing(at)
Students begin their discussion of invasive species with photos of native cattails and invasive phragmites. After learning about the sources and harm caused by invasive species, students will then research a Michigan invasive species and communicate their ideas about how to remove or prevent it from spreading by writing a script for an infomercial, recording it, and learning about many invaders by watching each other's infomercials. For 4th grade science. (Click here for an example of a student infomercial)
by Sara Forbing sforbing(at)
Students begin their discussion of invasive species with photos of native cattails and invasive phragmites. After learning about the sources and harm caused by invasive species, students will then research a Michigan invasive species and communicate their ideas about how to remove or prevent it from spreading by writing a script for an infomercial, recording it, and learning about many invaders by watching each other's infomercials. For 4th grade science. (Click here for an example of a student infomercial)
Invasive Species Multimedia Educational Outreach Project
By Maria Siciliano
This lesson explores the impact that invasive species have on the Michigan ecosystem. Students will then be encouraged to utilize their newfound knowledge of invasive species to create a multimedia educational outreach project. This lesson assumes that the students have already visited the Belle Isle Aquarium. Grade 5 Science.
By Maria Siciliano
This lesson explores the impact that invasive species have on the Michigan ecosystem. Students will then be encouraged to utilize their newfound knowledge of invasive species to create a multimedia educational outreach project. This lesson assumes that the students have already visited the Belle Isle Aquarium. Grade 5 Science.
Invasive Species Card Game. and Cards needed for the Invasive Species Game
by Jeffrey Ram
Activity matches different invasive species cards with their means of introduction and places where they came from. Includes "how to stop them" breakout group activity.
Grades 5 & 6. Potentially useful for other grades.
by Jeffrey Ram
Activity matches different invasive species cards with their means of introduction and places where they came from. Includes "how to stop them" breakout group activity.
Grades 5 & 6. Potentially useful for other grades.
Invasive Species: Upsetting the Balance
by Karl Hartwig
Includes invasive species background information, vocabulary, slides in PDF format, and a "create your own" invasive species activity. Fifth grade science.
by Karl Hartwig
Includes invasive species background information, vocabulary, slides in PDF format, and a "create your own" invasive species activity. Fifth grade science.
Protecting our Waterways Design Challenge: Zebra Mussels
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
This lesson plan teaches students about the dangers of zebra mussels while simultaneously allowing them to gain hands on experience in the engineering design process. Students will learn the value of teamwork and problem solving in an effort to design a scrubber that will eliminate zebra mussels from the various areas of a ship. Grades 3 through 12.
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
This lesson plan teaches students about the dangers of zebra mussels while simultaneously allowing them to gain hands on experience in the engineering design process. Students will learn the value of teamwork and problem solving in an effort to design a scrubber that will eliminate zebra mussels from the various areas of a ship. Grades 3 through 12.
Invasive Species Calendar
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
Students will create and design a calendar that contains information about terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. In addition to containing pictures, the calendar will contain prevention tips for minimizing the quantity of invasive species in Michigan. Grades 6-8.
By Jessica Wagonmaker and Jessica Vander Ark
Students will create and design a calendar that contains information about terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. In addition to containing pictures, the calendar will contain prevention tips for minimizing the quantity of invasive species in Michigan. Grades 6-8.
Invasive Species Have Feelings, Too?
by Sara Forbing sforbing(at)
Students begin, discussing a goldfish that has grown too big for its tank. After learning about the harm it could cause if released into the environment, students are asked to imagine themselves as an invasive species. After learning about role, audience, format, and tone (RAFT), students describe their life as an invasive species: where they come from and how they will cause harm to the native organisms. Grade 4.
by Sara Forbing sforbing(at)
Students begin, discussing a goldfish that has grown too big for its tank. After learning about the harm it could cause if released into the environment, students are asked to imagine themselves as an invasive species. After learning about role, audience, format, and tone (RAFT), students describe their life as an invasive species: where they come from and how they will cause harm to the native organisms. Grade 4.
Invasive Issues
by Katie Larson [email protected]
Students research and present findings on invasive species that have entered the Great Lakes, studying their arrival, habitats, food source and impacts. In addition, students research, writeand create skits about possible solutions to the impacts and/or methods to keep new invasive species out of the Great Lakes. Grades 6 - 8.
by Katie Larson [email protected]
Students research and present findings on invasive species that have entered the Great Lakes, studying their arrival, habitats, food source and impacts. In addition, students research, writeand create skits about possible solutions to the impacts and/or methods to keep new invasive species out of the Great Lakes. Grades 6 - 8.
New lesson plan ideas are welcome and will be uploaded as they are received and approved.
Instructions for submitting lesson plans for:
About invasive species,
About science and science careers
For information about submitting new lesson plans, please contact jchadde(at)
Lesson plan ideas from other web sites:
From Pennsylvania Sea Grant: 10 lesson plans about interactions of invasive species, biodiversity, and climate change
Creation of the above page of educational resources was funded in part by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agricultural and Rural Development.
This material is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1614187.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Instructions for submitting lesson plans for:
About invasive species,
About science and science careers
For information about submitting new lesson plans, please contact jchadde(at)
Lesson plan ideas from other web sites:
From Pennsylvania Sea Grant: 10 lesson plans about interactions of invasive species, biodiversity, and climate change
Creation of the above page of educational resources was funded in part by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agricultural and Rural Development.
This material is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1614187.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.